Data Types In JavaScript

What are Data Types?

In JavaScript, Data types are defined as what type of value can be stored inside the variables.

There are two types of data types in JavaScript.
  • primitive datatypes(predefined)
  • non-primitive data type (reference datatype)
Primitive Datatypes:
  • primitive data types are immutable(non-modifiable) data types. 
  • Once a primitive data type is created, we cannot modify it.
There are seven primitive types in JavaScript
  1. Numbers - Integers, floats
  2. Strings - Any data under single quote, double quote, or backtick quote
  3. Booleans - true or false value
  4. Null - empty value or no value
  5. Undefined - a declared variable without a value
  6. Symbol - A unique value that can be generated by the Symbol constructor
  7. BigInt
  • Numbers are integers and decimal values which can do all the arithmetic operations.

// Number data type

let age = 35
const PI = 3.14  // pi a geometrical constant
console.log("age = ", age) // age value = 35
console.log("age type = ", typeof (age)); // Number

console.log("PI value = ", +PI); // PI Value = 3.14
console.log("PI value = ", typeof (PI)); // Number

  • Strings are used to represent textual data, such as a sequence of characters. 
    • Single quotes: 'Hello'
    • Double quotes: "Hello"
    • Backticks: `Hello`
// string

let space = ' ' // an empty space string
let language = 'JavaScript'

console.log("language = ", language); // JavaScript
console.log("type of language = ", typeof (language));  // String

  • Single quotes and double quotes are practically the same and you can use either of them.
  • Primitive data types are compared by their values. Let us compare different data values. See the example below
let numOne = 3
let numTwo = 3

console.log(numOne == numTwo)      // true

let js = 'JavaScript'
let py = 'Python'

console.log(js == py)             //false

let lightOn = true
let lightOff = false

console.log(lightOn == lightOff) // false

  • It is used to represent a boolean value, which can be either true or false.

// Boolean

const isEligible = true;
console.log(isEligible) // true

  • It represents a value that is not yet defined or initialized.

let name;
console.log(name); // undefined
console.log(typeof(name)) // undefined

  • null data type means an empty value assigned to a variable

const age = null;
console.log(typeof(age)) // object

  • Symbols in JavaScript are used to represent a unique and immutable value.

const firstName = symbol('sai');
const lastName = symbol('veny');
console.log(firstName + ' ' + lastName)

  • BigInt is a new numeric data type that can represent integers with arbitrary precision.

bigNum = 1234455566671n;

Non-primitive data types
  • Non-primitive data types are modifiable or mutable.
  • We can modify the value of non-primitive data types after it gets created.
  • Non-primitive data types cannot be compared by value
There are 2 Non-Primitive data types

  1. An object
  2. An array

1. Array
  • An array is a list of data values in a square bracket.
  • Arrays can contain the same or different data types.
  • Array values are referenced by their index.
  • The array index starts at zero. the second element at index one, and the third element at index two, etc.
    // creating array.
    let nums = [1, 2, 3]
    // changing array value 1 to 10 --> index 0 is 1
    nums[0] = 10
    console.log(nums)  // [10, 2, 3]

  • As you can see, an array, which is a non-primitive data type is mutable
  • Non-primitive data types cannot be compared by value. Even if two non-primitive data types have the same properties and values, they are not strictly equal
  let  num1 = [1, 2, 3]
let num2 = [1, 2, 3]
console.log(num1 == num1)  // false
  • we do not compare non-primitive data types arrays, functions, or objects.
  • Non-primitive values are referred to as reference types because they are being compared by reference instead of value.
  • Two objects are only strictly equal if they refer to the same underlying object.
    let nums = [1, 2, 3]
   let numbers = nums

   console.log(nums == numbers)  // true

  • Collection of value in the form of key-value pairs which can include properties and methods.
    let user = {

        name: "learn",
        lastname: "javascript",
        developer: true,
        age: 20

    console.log(typeof user);


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