- HTML entities are codes used to represent special characters and symbols that have reserved meanings in HTML.
- These entities are especially important when you want to display characters that might conflict with HTML syntax or when you want to display characters that aren't directly available on your keyboard.
- HTML entities are represented using an ampersand (&) followed by a code and a semicolon (;).
- < 👉 Less than sign (<)
- > 👉 Greater than sign (>)
- & 👉 Ampersand (&)
- " 👉 Double quotation mark (")
- ' 👉 Single quotation mark or apostrophe (')
- 👉 Non-breaking space ( )
- © 👉 Copyright symbol (©)
- ® 👉 Registered trademark symbol (®)
- ™ 👉 Trademark symbol (™)
- ♥ 👉 Heart symbol (♥)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>HTML Entities Example</title>
@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:
html {
font-family: "Poppins", sans-serif;
<: Less than sign (<br />
>: Greater than sign (>)<br />
&: Ampersand (&)<br />
": Double quotation mark (")<br />
': Single quotation mark or apostrophe (')<br />
: Non-breaking
space ( )<br />
$: Dollar Sign ($) <br />
©: Copyright symbol (©)<br />
®: Registered trademark symbol (®)<br />
™: Trademark symbol (™)<br />
♥: Heart symbol (♥, 💖)
1: When might you use the entity?
The entity is used to insert a non-breaking space, which prevents the browser from collapsing consecutive spaces into one
2: How would you display a trademark symbol using an HTML entity?
You can display a trademark symbol using the ™ entity: ™.
3: Why is it important to use HTML entities for special characters?
Using HTML entities ensures proper rendering of characters and symbols and helps avoid conflicts with HTML syntax.
4: Represent the dollar sign symbol using different HTML entity methods
Using Named Entity: $
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