What is HTML5?
- HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language
- Hypertext is Text which contains links to other texts
- markup language it's a way to give instructions to the computer about how content should be organized and displayed.
- Hypertext --> Hyperlink
- HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages
- HTML describes the structure of a Web page
<opening tag> content <closing tag>
- The HTML file is saved in the .html extension.
- The default home page should be index.html
Features Of HTML
Better Consistency
- The new HTML 5 will provide far better consistency in terms of HTML code which is used to design a web page
Cleaner Code
- HTML 5 will allow developers to make use of cleaner code. New structural elements like article tags and section tags are introduced replacing most div tags
Client-side database
- HTML 5 will offer a new SQL-based database API to facilitate data storage locally i.e. client side
- Any HTML 5 compatible browser-based application can be directly used for finding out a location with the new HTML 5 geo-location APIs.
Video and audio streaming support
- HTML5 provides support for adding videos and audio to the web pages which creates more interactive websites.
History of HTML
HTML was created by Tim Berners-Lee in the year 1991 but it was not released till 1995 as HTML 2.0
HTML versions
- HTML 1.0 - Released in 1993 but the language was not growing back then
- HTML 2 - Published on 24th Nov,1995
- HTML 3 - Published on 14th Jan 1997
- HTML 4 - Published on 18th Dec 1997
- HTML 4.0 - HTML 4 was reissued with major edits on 24th Dec 1999
- HTML 4.01 - HTML 4.01 was published as a W3C recommendation on 12th May 1999
- HTML 5 - Published as W3C recommendation on 28th oct,2014
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