HTML Id & Classes


IDs and Classes in HTML

What is an ID?

  • An ID is an attribute, a unique identifier assigned to only one HTML element within a page.
  • It is often used for unique styling and JavaScript manipulations.

<div id="myUniqueID">This is a div with an ID.</div>

What are Classes?

  • The class attribute lets you give the same name to multiple HTML elements. 
  • That way, you can easily change their look or behavior all at once. 
  • Classes are not unique and can be assigned to multiple elements. 
  • They are generally used for applying the same styles or behaviors to a group of elements.

<div class="myClass">This is a div with a class.</div>
<p class="myClass">This is a paragraph with the same class.</p>

Using IDs and Classes in CSS

  • Elements with IDs are selected using a hash (#) symbol before the ID.
  • Elements with classes are selected using a dot (.) before the class name.

/* CSS for ID */
#myUniqueID {
  background-color: pink;

/* CSS for Class */
.myClass {
  font-size: 18px;


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