Console Objects and Method


What is a JavaScript Console Object?

  • JavaScript console object provides access to the browser's debugging console.
  • It is the property of the window object.
  • We can access the console object using window. console or just console.
  • In JavaScript console object is a built-in object that provides developers with a way to interact with the browser's console or terminal.
  • It is commonly used for debugging and testing JavaScript code, but it can also be used to display information to the user.

List of JavaScript Console Methods

1. console.log();

  • This method is used to print a message on the web browser's console.
  • This method can print strings, numbers, arrays, and objects.



  • It is used to display a message to the browser console.
  • This is very similar to console.log(); but it is used by developers for permanent messages to output to the console in their code."Learn Javascript");

3. console.warn();

  • This method is used to print the warning message on the browser console.
  • This method takes a single argument of a message to be displayed on the browser's console.

console.warn("this is a warning");

4. console.error();

  • This console method is used to print an error message in the console.
  • It is mainly used for testing and troubleshooting purposes when we want to display any errors.
  • It takes a single argument of any type like String or Object.

console.error("code is breaking");

5. console.count();

  • This method is used to print a message on the console as the number of times it is called.
  • Or It counts the number of every count and prints it on the browser console.

for (a = 1; a <= 5; a++) {

6. console.assert();

  • This console method is used to print messages on the browser's console based on the conditions.
  • It prints the message on the console when the assertion is failed. And if the assertion is true then nothing happens.
let a = 20;

let b = 3;


7. console.table();

  • This method is used to print any object in the form of a table in the console of a web browser.
  • To print the object in the form of a table you can use the code given below.

console.table({'name': 'naveen', 'role': 'Frontend Developer'});

8. console.clear();

  • This console method is used to clear the messages from the console.
  • This method will clear all the previous logs.


9. console.debug();

  • This method outputs a message to the console with the log-level debug.

console.debug('This is debug');

10. Time, Timelog and TimeEnd

  • This method is used to start a timer to track the logs in the browser.
  • console.time(); method is used to start the timer and console.timeEnd(); to end the timer or to stop the timer.
  • The console.timeLog(); is used to log the current value of the timer.

console.time("answer time"); //other block of codes

console.timeLog("answer time"); //other block of codes

console.timeEnd("answer time");

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