Introduction to JavaScript


What is JavaScript?

  • JavaScript is the most popular programming language to build interactive websites.
  • It is easy to learn and syntax is very simple.
  • JavaScript is a lightweight, and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) language.
  • It is a scripting language for web pages.
  • JavaScript is used to add interactivity and dynamic effects to web pages.
  • The javascript file is saved with the ".js" extension.
  • Initially, JavaScript was used for frontend development but nowadays we also use it in server-side development.

What is ECMAScript?

  • JavaScript is based on the ECMAScript standard. It was created to make sure that all JavaScript-related papers refer to the same language.
  • ECMAScript provides the rules, details, and guidelines that developers must follow when creating JavaScript implementations. It was developed to guarantee that all articles discussing JavaScript use the same language.

Advantages of JavaScript
  • Fast Speed: The execution of JavaScript is very fast and it is mostly executed on the client side 
  • Browser Compatible: The main advantage of JavaScript is that it supports all modern browsers and it can execute on any browser and produce the same result.
  • Easy to Learn: It is easy to learn and anyone can easily learn JavaScript who has basic knowledge of programming.
  • Server Load: It reduces the load on the server as it executes on the client side
  • Popularity: JavaScript is a very popular programming language because it is used almost everywhere in Frontend Development, Backend Development, Mobile Development, and more.
Features of JavaScript
  • Easy to Learn: JavaScript is easy to learn and the syntax of javascript is very simple. A programming beginner can choose JavaScript as their first programming language.
  • Light Weight: JavaScript is a lightweight and interpreted language. And it can be easily run on low-end machines because of its lightweight feature.
  • Case Sensitive: JavaScript is a highly case-sensitive programming language, which means that the identifiers, keywords, variables, and function names must be written with a consistent capitalization of letters.
  • Control Statements: It has control statements like if, if-else, if-else-if, switch case, and loop. Which helps users to write complex code using these control statements.
  • Client Side Validations: It allows developers to create form validations on input fields. This feature allows client-side validations which allow users to submit valid data on the server during a form submission.
  • Object-Oriented: It is an object-oriented programming language, which means that it uses objects to represent real-world entities and concepts.
  • Functional Programming: JavaScript supports functional programming like Closures, Recursion, and Higher-Order functions.

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