Semantic Element & Non-Semantic Elements


Semantic HTML5 Elements

  • The elements in HTML which define their meaning are semantic elements.

  • And also these elements describe their content.

Semantic Elements:

i). form: Used to take the data from the user to process on the server.

<form action="">
    Name: <input type="text" name="name" id=""> <br>
    Last Name: <input type="text" name="lastName" id=""> <br>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

ii). table: Used to represent the data in tabular form.

        <th> Name </th>
        <th> Role </th>
        <td> Naveen </td>
        <td> Developer </td>
        <td> naveen </td>
        <td> Youtuber </td>

iii). article: Used to contain, blog posts, articles, comments, etc.

    <h3> HTML Simplified Series</h3>
    <p> I covered most of the topics of HTML to learn </p>

    <h3> CSS Master</h3>
    <p> I covered most of the basic concepts of CSS.</p>
    <h3> JavaScript Doctory Series </h3>
    <p> I covered most of the basic concepts to learn JavaScript </p>

iv). header: It is used to create the header part on the web page.

    <h1> HTML Simplified Series </h1>
    <p> I covered most of the topics of HTML to learn </p>

v). nav: It is used to create a navigation bar. And it contains many navigation links.

    <a href=""> HTML </a>
    <a href=""> CSS </a>
    <a href=""> JavaScript </a>

vi). mainThis specifies the main content on the web page.

    <h3> HTML Simplified Series</h3>
    <p> I covered most of the topics of HTML to learn</p>

vii). footerUsed to create the footer of the web page.

    <p> @ Copyright All rights resered - dev junction point</p>

viii). sectionIt is used to create section on the web page.

    <h3> Section 1 </h3>
    <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quo sapiente odit mollitia laborum consectetur quisquam totam perferendis, similique dolorum quos! </p>
    <h3> Section 2 </h3>
    <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quo sapiente odit mollitia laborum consectetur quisquam totam perferendis, similique dolorum quos! </p>

ix). detailsIt is used to define additional details that a user can view or hide

    <summary> HTML Series </summary>
    <p>In this series, I covered most of the topics of HTML to learn </p>

x). asideIt is used to create a sidebar on the webpage.

    <h4> JavaScript Doctory Series </h4>
    <p> I covered most of the basic concepts to learn JavaScrip </p>

Non-Semantic HTML5 Elements

  • The elements in HTML that don't represent any meaning.

  • And these elements don't describe anything about their content.

Non-Semantic Elements:

i). div: It is used to create the division of content on the web pages.

        <h3> HTML Simplified Series</h3>
        <p> I covered most of the topics of HTML to learn </p>
        <h4> JavaScript Doctory Series </h4>
        <p>covered most of the basic concepts to learn JavaScrip</p>

ii). span: It is used to mark up a part of the text.

<span> Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsam commodi a sapiente vel adipisci id odit nam eveniet ea necessitatibus. </span>

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