Ordered List


HTML Ordered List

  • An ordered list is used to create a list of items in a specific order, typically indicated by numbers.


cwh tutorial image

Key Points

  • Ordered lists are used for items that follow a sequence.

  • They are created using the <ol> (Ordered List) tag.

  • The list items are enclosed within <li> (List Item) tags.

Basic Example



  1. Mango
  2. Orange
  3. Litchi

Setting the 'type' Attribute

The type attribute specifies the style of numbering. You have several options

  1. Uppercase Roman Numerals: Use type="I"
  2. Lowercase Roman Numerals: Use type="i"
  3. Arabic Numerals: Use type="1" (This is the default if the type the attribute is not specified)
  4. Lowercase Alphabetical Letters: Use type="a"
  5. Uppercase Alphabetical Letters: Use type="A"

Setting the 'start' Attribute

The start attribute specifies the starting number for the list.

<ol type="A" start="3">


  1. Pen
  2. Pencil


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